32 705-08-01


Outsourcing is a modern service which allows the companies that use it to significantly lower costs.

It also constitutes an effective solution to the problems concerning the acquisition of a proper number or properly qualified employees, which currently are faced by more and more Polish companies. In case of the service of outsourcing, the subject of the agreement is not the Employee, but the very service – performed by the Employee. The cost of such service can be included to the business operation costs. We implemented this form of employment in 2006. The employees of the Probet Sp. z o.o. company provide work services in dozens of companies, successfully taking the positions of technicians, conservators, warehousemen, office workers, accounting workers, or customer service workers.

Our current Clients indicate many quantifiable benefits from the Outsourcing service. Most often, these are:

  • The reduction of contributions to the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PFRON) in the amount of 60-80% of an invoiced amount.

  • Lack of costs connected with the HR and payroll services, such as the settlement of social benefits, severance payments, ZUS contribution payments, income tax settling, preparation of tax returns.

  • Lack of costs connected with sick leaves.

  • Lack of costs connected with the employees’ dismissals.

  • Recruitment time saving.


The Outsourcing service constitutes an optimal solution which allows to quickly involve the personnel when a given deadline requires it.

This service is also used in case of the necessity of a temporary replacement of employees, who use i.a. sick leaves, and also when the company’s development requires a greater number of people, but the employment would be linked to the exceeding of statutory limits (in example: contributions to the social fund, PFRON, etc.). You can be sure, that we provide trained professionals who will perform what is supposed to be done – without unnecessary formalities and additional costs connected with the settlement of remuneration, selection of professional staff, or recruitment. We take over all duties of the employer, which allows your company to significantly reduce the work costs.

Probet Group S.A.
ul. Limanowskiego 9/1
41-506 Chorzów
NIP: 627-27-34-073

Probet Sp. z o.o.
ul. Limanowskiego 9/1
41-506 Chorzów
NIP: 928-16-96-511

Probet Pro Sp. z o.o.
ul. Limanowskiego 9/2
41-506 Chorzów
NIP: 627-26-74-721

Raffen Sp. z o.o.
ul. Limanowskiego 9/1
41-506 Chorzów
NIP: 627-27-37-539

Probet Usługi Sp. z o.o.
ul. Limanowskiego 9/1
41-506 Chorzów
NIP: 627-27-38-036